We are asking for your assistance. We need committed individuals who desire to make a difference in the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities. We are seeking volunteers to help at the Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference in Fort Worth Texas on Feb. 18-21. If you are interested in joining our volunteers to monitor sessions you will receive a free day of conference attendance the day that you serve. LDA Members will also receive a discount for one additional day of attendance. Please email Rachel at rachelkrueger02@gmail.com for more information.
Also, the LDA Texas board currently consists of ten dedicated individuals. We would like to expand the board to 12 members to help represent all regions within Texas. Board members can be educators, professionals, parents of students with learning disabilities, or adults with learning disabilities, but must be a member, or willing to join, the Learning Disabilities Association of America. (Dues of $55 per year include membership in LDA of Texas and LDA of America.) We also seek to increase representation across the state. Join Today
Interested persons should be able to attend bi-monthly meetings usually held online. If you have a passion for helping reach out to those concerned with learning disabilities in Texas and have a background in advocacy, education, parenting a child with learning disabilities, an adult with learning disabilities yourself, transition, marketing, finance, or a legal background, please send a letter expressing your interest, background and your region of Texas and share a bit about yourself. Please respond to contact@ldatx.org with your CVV or resume for consideration.